
Terra 1.4 - The timeless beauty of terracotta

5 de May, 2022

Crafted and shaped over several generations, terracotta has stood out, over the years, as one of the main raw materials used in architecture, ceramics and decoration.

Derived from the Italian “Terracotta”, which means baked earth, this is a clay-based material, characterized by its orange colour and high porosity, resulting from low-temperature firing, one of the lowest among ceramic materials.

azulejo terracota terra 1.4 aleluia ceramicas

Throughout history, this material has served as the basis for several projects, such as the Venus of Dolní Věstonice and the Terracotta Army in China.

In architecture and construction, it has also been widely used, largely due to its great versatility and natural beauty. As its main projects, we can hihlight the facade of the Natural History Museum in London, the Royal Albert Hall and the Victoria and Albert Museum.

Terra 1.4The natural beauty of Terracotta for outdoor and indoor spaces

Inspired by one of the oldest arts in the ceramics industry, Terra 1.4 collection recreates a worn-out Terracotta look, ideal for those who want to create spaces, with an ancient appeal.

Developed in extruded all-body porcelain tile, it combines high resistance and durability with a thickness of 14 millimetres, thus allowing application, both in exterior and interior spaces, with less maintenance and greater resistance to stains.

colecao terra 1.4 aleluia ceramicas

It is available in 2 warm colours – Cotto and Ocra – and in two formats – 20×20 and 20×30 – thus allowing the construction of cosy and timeless environments.

How to use Terra 1.4 collection in your space?

The choice of ceramic is considered as an essential part in the decoration of spaces.

Depending on the type of look chosen, it is possible to create environments, inspired by the most varied decorative styles.

By using Terra 1.4 collection, you can play with the sand colours, in order to create decorations, referring to nature and provide the space with a touch of personality and warmth.

ceramica terracota

Outdoor spaces with an appeal to the old-style

Whether in the more yellowish variation or in the more reddish option, terracotta is a great option to apply in outdoor spaces, by being ideal in building harmony with green spaces.

At 14 millimetres thick, the Terra 1.4 collection offers high strength and durability, combined with slip resistance, thus allowing its application in any space.

terra 1.4 ceramica exterior

Indoor areas with a rustic and timeless look

With a versatile and cosy look, this series offers a touch of authenticity and personality to spaces.

Ideal for creating intimate spaces, it is ideal for building a rustic and timeless style, remembering the traditional terracotta floor.

terra 1.4 cotto

Format conjugation for creative applications

To ensure greater versatility, the Terra 1.4 collection is available in two different formats: 20×20 and 20×30.

Allowing the combination of both formats, it is possible to play with the application scheme, aiming to provide the space with different and creative decorations.


Complements for swimming pools and other types of special projects

Prepared to respond to the most demanding projects, this series has a selection of complements, which can be used in order to developing the most varied types of projects.

The round base and the grid allow application in a swimming pool area, while the L element, the skirting board and the thick step guarantee a perfect finish.
