Aleluia Cerâmicas continues to invest in improving its factories, seeking to optimize the production process, improve its energy efficiency and reduce its environmental impact.
As a way to ensure the continuous improvement of the manufacturing units, the oven burners in Esgueira were renovated, and a solution with high efficiency was installed.
Ancora brand components were installed, in a project accompanied by the company Barbiere Tarozzi Brt, which will allow for a reduction of between 20 to 25% of the amount of CO2, NOX and other gases emitted through the chimney. In addition, it will also allow savings of 8 to 10% in gas consumption.
With these new burners, a smaller amount of air (oxygen and nitrogen) will be used, and its mixture with gas will be optimized.
This way, the pressure inside the oven will be reduced, which will improve the geometry of the heating and the optimization of its operation.
In recent years, Aleluia Cerâmicas has made several investments with the aim of reducing its environmental footprint and making its manufacturing units more efficient.
After most of the burners were changed in the Ílhavo plant in 2012, a new investment has now been made to replace these components in the Esgueira plant.